Tuesday 21 August 2018

NTD & Cardiovascular Prevention: Benefits of Folic Acid

Maternal folate status is involved in the pathogenesis of neural tube defects (NTDs), and although the exact mechanism is not clear, a nutritional or genetic defect in homocysteine metabolism via methionine synthase appears likely. Women who previously had infants with NTDs were found to have had higher plasma homo-cysteine levels than women who had normal offspring.

Higher homocysteine levels can be indicative of the presence of a metabolic defect that increases risk of NTDs or other congenital defects. The rapidly dividing cells of the neural tube can be particularly sensitive to folate because of its importance to methyl group metabolism in nucleic acid and amino acid biosynthesis.

Certainly, the scientific evidence that folic acid taken around the time of conception prevents many NTDs has been very strong. In Canada starting in January 1998, flour and pasta were fortified with folic acid to help prevent NTDs, and results have been very encouraging. In Europe, recommendations to increase folic acid through voluntary supplementation did not reduce the incidence of NTDs; however, food fortification had not been implemented. 

Interestingly enough, however, when physicians took an active role in promoting folic acid supplementation, folic acid intake increased. Women who received folic acid counselling, a 30-day supply of folic acid tablets, and a reminder telephone call increased their folic acid intake by 68%, compared with 20% of controls who received only a pamphlet on folic acid.

Periconceptional use of folic acid has been shown to reduce the incidence of non-NTD birth defects, such as cleft palates, upper limb reduction deficits, and genitourinary defects. Others have also observed a link between folic acid and congenital heart defects, urinary tract anomalies, orofacial clefts, limb defects, and pyloric stenosis.

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